PHone Resources

pre-appointment material

send an email immediately after setting the appointment

Sample 1

This email works well with a picture of you (maybe your family) and a good signature at the end.

Mr. Prospect, it was nice speaking with you on the phone today. I look forward to speaking with you Wednesday at 6:00 pm.

When we meet you will be able to view my computer which will have the quotes for the different plans.

To join my zoom meeting you can click here:

If can also go directly to, click on “Join a Meeting”.

The Meeting ID is: 567 098 0987

The Password is: 8983

I look forward to speaking with you Wednesday at 6:00 pm

Pre-Appointment Texts

Sample 1

Mr. Prospect, I emailed you an invitation to log onto my computer for our virtual appointment Wednesday at 10:30 am. The subject line starts with ZOOM Invitation. I look forward to speaking with you soon. - Your Name

Sample 2

Mr. Propsect, it was nice speaking with you. I just sent over the invitation to and the subject line will read “Virtual Mortgage Protection between The Colemans and Peter”, please accept the invitation as a form of confirmation. Thank you and I will speak to you both Wednesday at 10:30 am.